Laugh, dance, romance

Thursday, May 31, 2007

About weight

Never thought this issue will worry me ever, but after last visit to smart people in white gowns it became a real object for reflection. There is one interesting esoteric doctrine, which says our weight besides nutrition is result of our emotions, character as any other disease.

Reason for growing weight is fear. When you afraid something, you make additional armor, layer of fat. So, fat people at first must think about their sources of fear, worries and uncertainty. It is proved by researches without any esoteric when man under continuous stress (fear is kind of stress), his organism starts production of adrenalin and cortisol hormones. They provoke additional kilograms. So, before start diets and hard physical training overweight man must look into his life and put it in good order. Another extreme leading to overweight is phlegm and placidity. This works for my best female friend, plump cutie, who never cares about worst troubles, always kind-hearted and in good humor. Last year she decided to lose weight and started crazy diet. She eats nothing except lot of water and sour milk, a little apples and cabbage. It almost hasn’t helped, but when her husband lost his job and she was forced to find some work, first in her life, her weight magically started to reduce.

And what to do if you eat huge portions 5 times a day and keep losing weight? Thanks to modern fashion it is never a problem for girl, but kind of blessing, when you can eat chocolate cakes, big Macs, sweet fizzy water and always remain slim. However there comes a time when woman must gain 8-16 kg in quite short period. And if she doesn’t, fetus eats all her resources, mother suffers from hard anemia, low pressure and in the end baby comes underdeveloped and mother can even die due lack of blood and weakness.

Esoterists say thinness is result of sadness. Slim people used to be melancholic, introversive, sad and worrying for trifles. I would want to add another reason - is disability to swallow informational food. It is like you read big difficult book fast but afterwards can’t remember even a line from it, or even if you remember you never use those dead knowledge and forget them soon as useless. It is typical picture for intellectual people, who read tones of books, study languages which they don’t use and whose heads are huge store of abstract data, needless for real life. If such bookworm wants to have normal complexion, s(he) must stop or reduce eating rubbish mental pabulum. It is better to make a pause, and try to use information, which is inside own mind, simply to use own brains, to stomach what you’ve ate yet.

A visual proof for above recommendation was my experience. While vacation I’ve slept 14-16 hours a day and haven’t done any mental activity, but swum, danced and walked a lot. It helped me to gain missed kilos for two weeks. After return I lost everything at the same two weeks! Amount and quality of food at home was better, physical activities are less, but only 6-8 hours for sleeping and 8-9 hours for complicated and hateful mental work made their black deed.


Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Last day of weekends we decided to spend in Uman. It is small Ukrainian town in 200 km on South from Kiev famous for Sophievka (Sophievskiy park). The day was very hot, I visited this park twice before and prices since last visit were unpleasantly impressive. So till the lunch I was done with park and wanted to end up in some nice café, what was really hard to find. Then we remembered it is some Jewish relic in there, so it could happen there could be good kosher restaurant. This was true, we found little Jerusalem in Uman outskirts. There were males with paces and little round hats on the top of head, females mainly in long skirts, older are veiled and it is in 35 grad heat! By the way I noticed jews and egyptians look similar, I mean face lines.
I was like to see the relict. Such places sometimes could be helpful and curing. All sings were in Hebrew, and local people were not glad to show the path. Only one woman, who cell me veil, agreed to show the grave of Rabbi Nahman. It was situated in synagogue. Building is separated for men and women – for men it has front entrance, for women are back. They didn’t let to enter to my husband, because he was dressed wrong way, but they let me go inside. There were spacious room with benches and narrow tables with lots of prayer books. Several women prayed loudly, rocking themselves to and fro in trance. Several others silently read their pray. I came to grave, put corners of my veil and palms on it and asked Rabbi Nahman to make my veil protective and help me to survive while delivery. When I came out, I saw my husband fighting with security guardians, he was nervous, that I’m too long there, and guardians didn’t let him to come in. He took me away and leaved that place fast, dinner we had in road café.



When it is hard to breathe in your apartments, and every square meter is full of useless but dear things it is time to think how to give up with garbage collection. It’s not really easy because you get used to your rubbish very much, every crappy object remain some moment of your life, so you need some technique to get rid of it. Walk around all rooms and put the most needless things to the pack. After it is in pack you can’t take it out again – it is rule of game. Then ask your half do the same, be sure, he will throw out everything the dearest for you – Cosmopolitans, dry bunches of roses, love-stories in soft covers, broken hair-pins and empty cosmetic tubes. Now is your turn. Don’t be softy anymore and get rid of his car magazines, having a hole socks, t-shirts from childhood, favorite rucksack from teenage and other “important” refuse. If your half didn’t decide that it would be easier to get rid of you after all, then you can try one more cycle and select unnecessary books together.
Till the end of Sunday we throw away about 200 books (math, physics and biology for every school year and Ukrainian/soviet patriotic novels) and several sacks of other crap. Our clean flat with new empty space drove me into such ecstasies, that I wanted to get rid of computer table (with computer and discs), but hon promised to do the same with a huge mirror, so I had to respect his touching affection to machine.

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Entertaining started since Saturday, when honey said we are going to visit his mother. I was like, oh I started to feel very sick right now and better stay home. He knows me too good and pure lie didn’t help. The only thing which I was able to get was promise the visit will not be too long and we will not visit all other his numerous relatives from the village. I was naïve enough to believe, and so, we were on the road to hostile camp. I didn’t worry too much until we stopped in some road shop and bought 16 portions of ice creams. For my reasonable what the fuck question, he answered with shy angelic smile there will be couple of siblings and cousins as well. I’ve tried to escape, but it wasn’t easy without money on the forest route. Remaining part of the road, I was thinking, why it is so difficult to communicate with relatives in low and is there any solution to fix it. The best idea which came to my head was emigrating to Australia or Finland. There are lots of difficulties between mother-in-low and sons’ wives which are funny enlighten in folklore and anecdotes, but there is no fun, when it connects your own life.
My relations with –in-lows are hard for several particular reasons. The main reason is material, nobody ever helps us, but everyone doesn’t hesitate to ask for help and to blame our greediness. It is disgusting, when some guys complain about difficulties of making career, when you have no connections. I would recommend to 20-30th age teenagers, living with parents, to get marry and to try support their families and both parents’ families. It certainly would help to grow. The second reason is way of living. I do not understand people who do nothing for their well-being, who invest money in new mobile models instead of education or something what grows in price. It is fun, how such people judge others for their cloths and mobiles and after 5 minutes ask to borrow some money. My family in low considers studding is wasting of time. Their principle if you have food today, life is good, let tomorrow will be end of the world, they don’t care. I’m so envious of their continuous nirvana, if I was able not to care that much, I would be definitely much happier. And the last is communication. They never hesitate to tell what is in mind. They will never lie to you. If my mother in low hates my hairs and new dress, she will immediately say, baby, you look like shit, beat your hairdresser and never put on that terrible sack again. She is really hearty kind woman, but muddle-headed and simple like 5 cent. I’m always delicate and diplomatic liar after such comments don’t know at all how to talk further. Our communication is always hard and weird, but in the end useful, I try to learn how to be easier. Our visit lasted whole day, after significant discussion I got known mama needs new teeth, brothers need money for car repair, and they were informed we will need a bed for baby and good clinic for me soon. After lunch I fall asleep and slept until hon decided return home. Everything wasn’t that terrible as I expected.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

One day of life

Prayer: ...Господи , помоги мне , грешному , не дай глупостей натворить-наделать , а если уж наделаю , то пусть уроком мне будет , а не как обычно - хи-хи , ха-ха , забухал , да забыл

6.30 – alarm
6.40 – He: honey, pls, wake up
She: noooo…
6.50 – He: my sunnie, pls, wake up, you need a lot of time for morning procedures
She: oooohhh…go away…
7.00 – He: it’s 7.00 yet, don’t we go to the work today?
She: You don’t love me!
The most hard procedure is to wake body up from bed and drag to bathroom…Done. Hot water streams lull to sleep, eyes still closed…Slowly she turn’s tap to cold, icy water sizzle skin, to shock body more returns to boiling hot, then to icy back, 5-6 times, until skin becomes rosy and doesn’t able to feel anything. After such torture sleep is gone, but bad mood and hard head is not.
He carefully has a look at the bathroom: “Honey, what would you like for a breakfast?’
- Don’t know, leave me alone
He goes to the kitchen. There is nothing for fast cooking. In 5 minutes returns back, asking again.
She yells in rage: “Don’t you have any fantasy? Cook whatever you want and leave me alone. Don’t talk to me! Disappear! Now!”
He breathes hard and sadly returns to a kitchen
7.30 She turns some music and makes usual vision gymnastic and dancing. He is done with breakfast and does some physical training
7.40 She: I have nothing to wear today! You never buy me clothes! I hate you!
He: In 5 minute we will eat, hurry up, pls
7.45 Breakfast
She: What the shit it is? Do you really think I will eat it?
He: Oh God! In previous life I was a very bad person and in this life you sent to me such a terrible wife. Please, forgive my faults! Don’t make me suffer so much!
7.55 She feels better and a bit guilty. He drives car silently
8.15 She feels perfect and very guilty. Modest attempts of pardoning and flattering
He is hurt, silent, all in road and traffic
8.30 Her assertive pardoning, promises never behave that way again, flattering, flirting, kissing and hugging.
His distrust, pain, offence, softening, forgiveness
8.45 Traffic jump on the bridge. It is good time for hair-do and light make up
9.00 Deadline for lateness, she is still on the bridge
9.15 Finally arrived. Turns on pc in office
9.20 – 10. 00 Read correspondence and news
10.00 – 10.40 Coffee-break
10.40 – 12.00 Reading books, blogs, forums, magazines
12.00 – 14.00 Lunch time, shopping, private phone calls
14.00 – 15.30 Watching to empty monitors, thinking about life, writing
15.30 – 16.30 Snack, coffee-break
16.30 – 18.00 Headache, meditation with monitors, practice of sleeping with open eyes technique
18.10 She leaves the office. Headache, prostration, acousticophobia, photophobia, killing hunger and tiredness. On the way home he talks, something about work, colleagues, planes for future. His mood is perfect. She is flat-out, even for usual rudeness, so she replies “yeah”, “hmm”, “Oh, really?”
18.40 In supermarket, he chooses some food, drives cart, makes jokes. She roams right after estranged and indifferent. Near jewelry and cosmetic shops consciousness returns to her for a moment, but his “not-today” look returns her to prostration and darkness
20.00 Home, sweet home!
20.00 Bathroom, contrast shower, until skin turns to oak
He carefully has a look at the bathroom: “Honey, what would you like for a dinner?’
She, angrily: Your liver with bloody sauce. And leave me alone.
He, laughing: Well, you have it every day, don’t you still bore.
She throws cold water at him, but he escapes fast enough and bathroom is wet. She drags herself to the bedroom and fall out of tiredness.
He comes and silently asks if she wants dinner in bed or will go to kitchen
20.30 Dinner
21.30 Walking streets before sleep, they talk about beautiful future, remember hard past
22.00 Darkness, time to sleep.
She: Do you love me?
He: Yes.
She: Why?
He: Because you are funny terrible and capricious. Who will love and care about you if not me?
She: I love you too, for your kind soul, forgive me everything


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Stretching complex for advanced. How to make the splits.

[Taken from "Spine is flexible – body is young" by U.A.Peganov and L.A.Berezina, USSR sport, 1991]
For those, who is master of stretching base and want not only to keep achieved results, but to continue improving, there is complex of exercises with high level of difficulty. These exercises take turns of dynamical and static character. It gives ability to stand heavy loads during stretching training. Doze of every exercise is 4-6 repetitions.
After every exercise it is advisable to do relaxation – lay on the back, sit or stand. Doze can vary (to be larger or smaller).
Click picture to enlarge
1. Home position - stand legs are apart, hands are down. 1 — slope a head forward, 2—3 — keep a position, 4 — home, 5 — slope a head back, 6—7 — keep a position, 8 — home, 9 — slope a head right, 10—11 —keep a position, 12 — home, 13 — slope a head back, 14—15 — keep a position, 16— home.
2. Home position is the same. 1—2 — move a head circularly to the right, 3—4 — move a head circularly to the left.
3. Stand legs are apart, hands are locked in front of chest. Circular movement of arms: 1—4 — forward, 5—8 — backward.
4. Home position — stand legs apart, hands are aside. Circular movement of hands: 1—4 — forward, 5—8 — backward (don’t bend hands in elbows).
5. Stand legs apart, put a gymnastic stick, a towel or skipping-rope in hands. 1—4 — straight hands are up above a head and make an intricate movement in shoulder joints, 5—8 — Home position.
6. Stand legs apart, hands are on a waist. Circular movement of pelvis: 1—4 — left, 5—8 — right.
7. Stand legs apart, hands are down. Circular movements of body: 1—4 — right, 5—8 — left. While sloping body backward, forward and aside the hands are up.
8. Stand legs apart, hands are down. Slopes: 1 — to the right foot, 2 — forward, 3 — to the left foot, 4 — home.
9. Stand legs apart, hands are down. 1—2 — slope forward, press a belly to legs (try to pass a head between the legs), 3—6 — keep the position, 7— 8 — home.
10. Sit legs apart, back is straight. Slopes: 1 — to the right leg, 2 — forward, 3 — to the left, 4 — home.
11. Sit legs apart (the wider the better), hands are up. 1—2 — slope forward (lay chest on the floor), 3—6 — keep the position, 7—8 — home.
12. Sit legs apart. Slope forward, hands are forward, then setting forearms against floor slowly creep over the splits right up to laying on forearms, and then return to home position.
13. Wide stand with legs, setting hands against floor. 1—8 — make paddy movements in the splits.
14. The same exercise, but at first put left leg in front, then right leg, 4 times by every leg.
15. Sit legs are together. 1—2 — slope forward (lay by chest on the legs, keep feet by hands), 3—6 — keep the position, 7—8 — home. Breathing: 1—2 — breath in, 3—6 — delay, and 7 — 8— breath out.
16. Sit legs apart. At your will catch by one hand a shank, draw it and by another hand keep a foot. Slowly for 4 times turn foot by clockwise and for 4 times to the reverse.
17. Sit with sloped legs. Knees are put apart, feet touches each other. Hands are on the feet. 1—6 — paddy moving knees apart, 7—8 — home.
18. Sit legs are apart, back is straight. 1—2 — bend left leg and put a foot on the right hip, 3—6 — pressing by left hand on the left knee, stretch internal left leg’s surface, 7—8 — home, 9—16 — same by other hand.
19. Sit with straight back. 1—2 — slowly bend left leg in knee, put left feet on the right (help with hands) — heels must touch bottom part of the belly, 3—6 — keep the position, and 7 — 8— home. Keep the position 10—15 sec.
20 Sit legs together, hands are back. 1—2 — lean on heels and hands lift the hips up as high as possible, bend in waist; bend ahead back, 3—6 keep the position, 7—8 — home.
21. Sit on the heels with sloping body forward, hands are behind ahead. 1—4 — slowly straighten (through standing on the knees), slope back as far as possible, trying to touch the floor at back, 5—8 — slowly back to home position .
22. Lay on a floor, palms are on the floor on the shoulders level. 1—2 — slowly straightening hands — put up a head with right turn, put the chest up floor (don’t put up pelvis), bend the more possible, look at the heel of left leg, 3—6 — keep the position, на 7—8 — home, на 9—16 — the same, but with a head turned to the left. Breathing: на 1—2— breath in, 3:—6 — delay, 7—8 — breath out.
23. Lay on a belly, legs are apart, palms are on a floor on the shoulders level. 1—4 — slowly, without any jerks, unbending hands, lift a head and chest up, bending legs in knees and trying to touch a head by feet, 5—8 — home, 4—6 times.
24. Lay on a belly, hands along the body. 1—2 — slowly catch the legs by hands above the shanks (knees are bended and put apart a bit), 3—4 — bend, lifting a head, chest and hips without any jerks, as high as possible above the floor, 5—6 — keep the position, 7—8— home.
25. Lay on a back, legs are bended in the knees and put aside a bit, hands are bended in elbows, palms on a floor near the shoulders. 1—4 — slowly straighten hands and legs, lift a body up, leaning on palms and feet,— «bridge», 5—6 — keep the position, 7—8— home.
26. Stand on the shoulder-blades. 1—6 — put up and down straight legs behind a head, till touching the floor by the toes. 7—8 — home. 4—6 times.
27. Lay on a back, hands are along the body. 1—2 — stand on shoulders, 3—4 — bend the legs in knees, press them to the ears, 5—6 — touch the legs fingers, 7—8 — home.
28. Stay on the knees, legs are apart, feet are pulled aside, hands put down. 1—3 — paddy curtseys, trying to touch the floor by pelvis, 4 — home.


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Can't help goin' into hysteric

- Why do you call this version of software 'beta'?
- Coz it's beta than nothin'.

[...there was time, when I enjoyed my profession for its weirdness, for special programmer’s character, life style and humor. When I see next laughable pearl some silent nostalgia for that passed time still visits me… ]


Monday, May 21, 2007

How to Stretch for the Splits

[Lamis: After first training by my own set of exercises feel annoying pain everywhere and very modest result – 29 cm in the transverse splits. I decided to turn to more experienced trainers and publish their method. This is first part taken from "Spine is flexible – body is young" by U.A.Peganov and L.A.Berezina, USSR sport, 1991]

Exercises in pairs

Flexibility can be reached faster if you do exercises with a partner. He could better enlarge amplitude of your movements (helping pull the body to legs or reverse) instead of doing it only on your own. There is one more advantage of training in pairs– it is possible to regulate a force in process of doing exercise, at the every single attempt.
However, doing the exercises in pairs, remember, you can’t let any painful sensations, when you try to reach sizeable increasing of movement’s amplitude. It is very important to warm up actively the muscles before the main training.
The exercises in pairs you can do statically and dynamically. If you repeat it some particular quantity with gradually increasing amplitude, then it is dynamical performance. If you delay movement in last point of tension for 10-30 sec, then it is static performance.

Click picture to enlarge

1. Standing face to face, the straight hands are on your partner’s shoulders, fingers are twisted on his nape (his fingers are on your nape). Getting over partner’s resistance, bend down and up by turns your head.
2. Stand face to face, hands are bended in elbows on the chest level, a palm is on a partner’s palm, fingers are twisted. Straighten a hand, trying take aside as far as possible partner’s hand. Simultaneously bending another hand, take it away under partner’s pressure as far as possible to the back. Try not to turn the corpus.
3. Stand back to each other, the straight hands are aside, fingers are twisted with the partner’s fingers. Slowly put hands up and down.
4. Stand face to face, straight hands on partner’s shoulders and back. Do paddy slopes of corpus forward under partner’s hands pressure.
5. It is the same. Team slopes to the right and left.
6. Stand back to back, straight hands up. Take the arms of each other. Making slowly lunge of one leg, bend the waist and making paddy movements take away shoulders from each other as far as possible.
7. Stand face to face. Take the hands together, straighten hands and bend back in the waist to the more possible distance.
8. Stand face to face. One person bends forward, taking hands back as far as possible. Partner takes a wrist and with slowly paddy movements pull them towards himself.
9. Stand back to a partner, hands are taken back. Partner takes hands and slowly paddy moves them back and up.
10. Lay on the belly, hands are up. Partner comes from back, takes the wrists and slowly draws hands back, slightly lifting a body.
11. Stand on the knees, take the hands back and bend in waist. Partner by fluent paddy movements of both hands presses a chest.
12. Stand back and keeping some basement, lift the leg forward. Partner grabbing cocked leg by shank with paddy movements, lifts it up.
13. It is the same exercise, but standing sideways to basement, leg is taken aside.
14. It is the same exercise, but standing face to basement, leg is taken back.
15. Sit on the floor, legs are together. Slope corpus paddy forward with partner’s help.
16. The same exercise but legs apart. Slope to the left and right leg.

Click picture to enlarge

17. The same exercise but slopes are forward.
18. Sit on the floor, right leg is bended in a knee, left leg is straight. Slope corpus to the left leg with partner’s help. Change the legs position.
19. Partners lay on the back in opposite sides. Lift the legs up and put together with back surface of the hips. In turns pull the legs to body under partner’s legs pressure.
20. Sit back to each other. Put hands together in its elbow joints. Slopes forward and straighten corpus with partner on the back.
21. Lay on the back, hands are along the body, left (right) leg is lifted. Partner by one hand keeping left (right) leg, by another hand with paddy movements take lifted leg up.
22. The same exercise, but legs are apart.
23. Sit legs apart, face to face. With partners help slope the corpus forward.
24. Sit on the floor, legs are bended in knees and put apart, feet touch each other. Partner pressing on the knees paddy, takes them apart.
25. Stand back to back, hands are crossed. Set again backs; make a curtsy without heels lifting from the floor.


Friday, May 18, 2007

The splits

Since today I start flexibility training. One-hour every other day exercises by some methodic (till the end of the day I’ll find one the best).
In 3 months I'll to sit on the splits (Шпагат).
I believe the victory over body leads to victory over mind. Physical pain must draw away the annoying mental one.
It will help me with dancing and delivery as well. Not to mention, I’ve always dreamed to be able make all kind of splits.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007


It is 20th week, ½ of path is happily passed, my achievement +4 kg. A fetus is 25 cm high and 300 gram weight. S(he) loves to dance or play football there inside, after lunch and in the late evening, exact when I want to sleep most of all. Those little signs of life activity finally brought me to maternity realization. Sometimes, hitting is so strong that I can groan over suddenness. Overall infinite feeling of love and adoration to a little soul inside makes this special period of my life so fascinating. I’m afraid after delivery I will want to be pregnant again and then again, many times, until my husband’s suicide.
I’m not that graceful and light flying anymore. On the other hand look much more womanly and significant. it was a dream, like I was making a birth at home... a little pink baby came out, there were no pain and no suffering. My honey was near all time, and when everything finished he cried out happiness and proud, because it was his boy. He put baby to the chest, gratefully kissed my hands and then annoying alarm clock kicked me out bliss.


Monday, May 14, 2007


Everything good unfortunately finishes fast. Luminescent luxurious Hurgada moves away in fly illuminator, flashes by far off glowing Israel or Syria, bright coastline Turkish cities. Finally we are in a dark like a Niger’s ass hole Ukraine, it is 4 am. Kiev meets us with rain, coldness and harsh custom officials. While proving we are not a camels and metal in our bags are not ancient artifacts passes an hour.

The fairy holidays are finished, but I still there in a carefree Eden. Float on the soft sky-blue waves, absorbing by every cell surrounding beauty and pleasure of relaxation. At the same time I’m in numerous little cozy food courts with friendly waiters. There the time stops and extends to eternity, satiety can’t stand any hurry. Accidental people which treat you like an own, always glad to communicate and tell their life stories.

Hurgada sleep in the day and all motion starts after sunset. Walking night mall is a great entertaining. You can meet all kind of Europeans there. Major population is German old couples, hot Russian girls coveys, couples Old German lady\Russian girl + local (what a shame!), and groups of eastern Europeans – Poles, Czechs, Slovenians ect. The local barkers are great psychologist, I don’t know how, but they are able to recognize your origin from far distance and talk to you in your language. They have never mistaken with me, but to our pleasure, sometimes were confused with my honey, which has quite Semite lines and swarthy skin.

Egypt is bellydancers paradise! Shops are full of various equipment, I lost a fortune in there and all nervous of my husband. Dance shows were on the every corner. The first time I saw alive male dancing, never expected it can be so aesthetically beautiful.

A fine tale finished, but my heart left there. Little stone scarab on my working table gives me a hope for return…one day…

Photo report is here. Some video samples are below.

Dance performed by Madiha

Shik Shak Shok variations

Lady in red

Yellow costume


Tabla sparring

Some village near Hurgada. Alive sound surround.
