Laugh, dance, romance

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Pilgrimage to the saint Antony caves, Chernigov

When you lost your path, get entangled with your wishes, goals and plans, you have to take a pause. If you need to think, looking for a good solution, change the usual rapid atmosphere of the huge-city and sink into the silent peaceful world of monastery.

Unfortunately Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is overused yet. Crowds of vulgar noisy tourists wander the narrow trails and caves on its territory. They have no respect to the object of worship, girls dare to enter the temple in the short skirts with uncovered heads and men show their naked shoulders and legs in the summer and able even to smoke, shame and sorrow on them.

St Antony, teacher of monks, 1000 years ago had founded two the greatest cave monasteries in Ukraine, in Kiev on Pechersk and in Chernigov on Boldin Mountain. The second one is still remains in a shadow for tourists, although thousands of Christian Orthodox believers every year make a pilgrimage there.

Caves have always attracted people by its mystery. The Earth interiors were used from the ancient time for sacral activities. They usually contain heavy energetic accumulations and have often used for spiritual practice. In Christian traditions monks use caves for practice called Schema – the highest level of uniting with God and demising of world.

Schemonk (the monk who practices Schema) spends most of the time in the little camera in cave, praying to God and making special rituals. He may not eat or even drink anything for months or even years, staying substantial by the Holy Spirit. The obligatory monastic vows for Schemonk are chastity, immateriality, obedience and humility. Truly Schemonks are able to cure patients by the pray, to know the future and do other various miracles.

Thanks to mobility the pilgrimage nowadays is not a big deal. 2 hours for 165 km of Ukrainian roads and from bustling, polluted Kiev and you are transferred to cosy, friendly Chernigov, one of our oldest cultural centres.

People don’t hurry up there, massive high blocks don’t press down on you towering above and lot of trees, park, gardens everywhere, even on the main square.

Travelling in Ukraine has a common trait - you can hardly meet the crowds of tourists and may walk alone in the most beautiful places. But there is a disadvantage that you are not able to find any service as well, neither guide-boards, nor maps for travellers.

After going round the city for half an hour finally the Boldin Mountain with st Antony’s caves were found. It was astonishing that territory of the monastery remains almost invisible. The only wood monument of an old monk points to its possible place.

Through the door in small stone building you fall into the underground temple, amazingly spacious and bright, alighted by the candles on the walls. From the temple you can get to the numerous tunnels of upper and lower levels of the caves. A general extent of the all passes is 350 m. An interesting fact that lower level of the caves have never mentioned in any written evidence, although examination approves their ancient origin. It testifies to their special secret purpose.

In many places you may see relics of Schemonks, who have practiced the Great Schema centuries ago. Usually visitors have feelings of fear, horror, pressure of the ceiling and the only one wish to leave the more quickly the better. I felt myself very comfortable. The presence of some pure light spirit has wrapped the mind around, giving the long-awaited peace. Unfortunately guardians didn’t let to stay there long and asked to leave everybody before the sunset.

Satisfied and tired after wandering along the monastery and churches you may want to have a dinner in the Ukrainian restaurant. Don’t expect to find it Chernigov. The Potato House, Sushi bar and McDonalds are the only places where you can find warm food. Something wrong goes with traditional Ukrainian cuisine. I do not get why it is not popular any more.
Visit to Chernigov undoubtedly will remain the bright impression to any person who has faith in the heart and seeks Him.


Friday, January 26, 2007

To the Noble man

You know, it is so difficult, to realize
That you are there so far away
And it’s not matter of material distance.
I read your thoughts and try to find your beautiful eyes
Behind those serious specs…What answer there?
How soon will you forget about my existence?

We are not close anymore and we have never been
So much intimates, frankly speaking.
It was just pleasant to imagine that you are not alone
That somebody somewhere cares…
Huh, nobody! On entire earth!
The time is right to stop self freaking.

Where are you, craziest dream of all my life?
Who warms your vulnerable, frozen soul?
The treasures of whole world aren’t worth for me
The chance to pet your hairs, kiss your lips, become one breathe
Oh God, forgive my weakness, please, unload this foul!


Saturday, January 20, 2007


On Monday, 22 January 2007 at 22.30 on “City” channel (it covers kiev and its region) will be the show about belly dance with my participation!!!
I’m in red as always.


Friday, January 19, 2007

It wasn’t me…

One girl was terrorized by her parents because of smoking. They have not given her any pocket money and broken the scandals. Once in the summer they have gone to the villa for two weeks and left their daughter alone at home.
Before arrival she had ventilated the whole flat, splashed everything by perfumes and freshener…

And later, furious mom comes out her room, yelling:
- You have no shame at all! You dare to smoke in bed now! See – the bed-sheet is burnt through in two places!

A poor, totally terrorized victim mumbled:
- It wasn’t me…


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Be my friend, don't go

May I ask you to forgive my fault, to forgive and forget? I realize whole depth of my misery and now I’m working for improving.

Having no fake expectations I was enjoying so much our games, arguing and making fun of each other. You may not believe in reincarnations, but I do believe and think we were close in previous life some way, may be like teacher (me) and student (you), or cat( again me) and mouse(guess who?). I’m sure we are relative souls some way, and it will be a mistake if you go away now and disappear forever. It’s a rare fortune to meet a relative soul, who able so easily to make you laugh, to change perception of things, to teach and to learn. Unfortunately I have so few friends, and if you are lost yet, it is one of the biggest and saddest my losses.

I love you bright and brilliant person. I don’t care whether you male or female (better male), white or black (the brighter the better), religious or atheist (pls, religious). I love you just because of your kind, wise, optimistic, joyful personality. Be my friend, be my brother, be my sister, just be, please! I beg, don’t go!!

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Friday, January 12, 2007


Мне почему-то очень понравилось:

- Мам, ты мне поесть что-нибудь приготовила?
- Конечно, приготовила. Я твою приправу в суп бросила!
- К-какую приправу?
- Ну, как какую? Которая в коробке была! Хе-хе! В коробке-моробке! Ха-ха-ха! Приправа-миправа в коробке-моробке!


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

?! Серенча

Как понимать по-украински слово «серенча»?
Рассказали анекдот, смысл которого остался загадкой. Теперь буду мучаться бессонными ночами, вопрошая бесконечную темноту о его значении.


П"ють кумове...кажуть тост
- За здоров"я давай вип"ємо ?
Та ні - за здоров"я, звісно можна пити, але ж дивись - он бик, здоровий такий, а повели його на бійню… і все... що йому з того здоров"я, коли не мав він серенчі?

Отож - вип"ємо за серенчу!!!!!!
