About weight
Never thought this issue will worry me ever, but after last visit to smart people in white gowns it became a real object for reflection. There is one interesting esoteric doctrine, which says our weight besides nutrition is result of our emotions, character as any other disease.
Reason for growing weight is fear. When you afraid something, you make additional armor, layer of fat. So, fat people at first must think about their sources of fear, worries and uncertainty. It is proved by researches without any esoteric when man under continuous stress (fear is kind of stress), his organism starts production of adrenalin and cortisol hormones. They provoke additional kilograms. So, before start diets and hard physical training overweight man must look into his life and put it in good order. Another extreme leading to overweight is phlegm and placidity. This works for my best female friend, plump cutie, who never cares about worst troubles, always kind-hearted and in good humor. Last year she decided to lose weight and started crazy diet. She eats nothing except lot of water and sour milk, a little apples and cabbage. It almost hasn’t helped, but when her husband lost his job and she was forced to find some work, first in her life, her weight magically started to reduce.
And what to do if you eat huge portions 5 times a day and keep losing weight? Thanks to modern fashion it is never a problem for girl, but kind of blessing, when you can eat chocolate cakes, big Macs, sweet fizzy water and always remain slim. However there comes a time when woman must gain 8-16 kg in quite short period. And if she doesn’t, fetus eats all her resources, mother suffers from hard anemia, low pressure and in the end baby comes underdeveloped and mother can even die due lack of blood and weakness.
Esoterists say thinness is result of sadness. Slim people used to be melancholic, introversive, sad and worrying for trifles. I would want to add another reason - is disability to swallow informational food. It is like you read big difficult book fast but afterwards can’t remember even a line from it, or even if you remember you never use those dead knowledge and forget them soon as useless. It is typical picture for intellectual people, who read tones of books, study languages which they don’t use and whose heads are huge store of abstract data, needless for real life. If such bookworm wants to have normal complexion, s(he) must stop or reduce eating rubbish mental pabulum. It is better to make a pause, and try to use information, which is inside own mind, simply to use own brains, to stomach what you’ve ate yet.
A visual proof for above recommendation was my experience. While vacation I’ve slept 14-16 hours a day and haven’t done any mental activity, but swum, danced and walked a lot. It helped me to gain missed kilos for two weeks. After return I lost everything at the same two weeks! Amount and quality of food at home was better, physical activities are less, but only 6-8 hours for sleeping and 8-9 hours for complicated and hateful mental work made their black deed.
Labels: Investigation
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