Laugh, dance, romance

Friday, July 06, 2012

Столярная мастерская БестДекор

Рекомендую столярную мастерскую БестДекор своих знакомых. Они делают уникальную деревянную мебель своими руками! Более всего мастера специализируются на деревянных лестницах, дверях из массива дерева. Но могут изготовить и имеют большой опыт в создании деревянных кроватей, корпусной мебелисадовых беседок и даже деревянных скульптур.
Все их творения можно посмотреть в каталоге работ деревянных изделий.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Бернский Зенненхунд - 2 крупные девочки 1,5 месяца

Две очаровательные пухленькие девочки Бланка и Басма 1,5 месяца ищут любящих хозяев.
Привиты, клеймены, документы Кинологического Союза Украины.
Настоящее швейцарское качество. Щенки крупные, с отличным костяком, идеального окраса без малейших изъянов, получили отличную оценку при клеймении. Собака - компаньон. Хорошо ладит с детьми. Консультации и помощь в выращивании. Цены доступные.
Звоните, договоримся: +38(097)858-46-23 Елена

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

ПП советует: Когда некомфортно в подвешенном состоянии

ПП советует: Я лично никогда не чувствую себя девушкой в невесомости, если позволяю мужчине жить со мной под одной крышей. Жить вместе? значит муж и жена. Не муж и жена - будем встречаться на нейтральной полосе :-) И причём это не озвучивается. просто мужчина сам знает, что мне и свободной хорошо. Зачем же я буду проживать фальшиво? не жена, и не вольная птица. Я уж или жена, или вольная птица. Третьего не приемлю, и мужчины это знают. Что если я не жена, верности ожидать наивно...Так что учись быть женой с силой своего голоса и с непоколебимостью своей ценности. Пора убегать, поэтому очень сжато.
Арина, я бы на твоём месте прямо сейчас же сказала бы: Петя, я уже повзрослела и готова к материнству. Поэтому считаю необходимым узаконить отношения и подготовиться внутренне к неожиданным переменам в нашем образе жизни. Беременность может настать в любой момент. Если Вы считаете себя женой, и Ваш муж счастлив, что жизнь свела вас вместе , то он НИ РАЗУ не посчитает допустимым отвергнуть Ваше намерение. Любой любящий мужчина согласен, что это верное намерение. Ну а если всё же он удивит Вас неожиданной реакцией, то сворачивайте удочки. Быть попрошайкой - это смешная роль для достойной женщины. Вот и всё. Всё гениальное -просто.

Monday, April 13, 2009


We are 10 people in the team and 2 of us are females. This is normal even perfect ratio as for IT. Usually there are sometimes no females at all. And for the last 3 months of work here, I and my female coworker got bullied on daily basis for our gender. We happened to work with young men (23-30 y.o.) without regular relationships with opposite sex (bachelors).
This, I guess, turned out into their sick attitude and behavior. I tried to analyze the source of these hundreds of jokes of women’s stupidness and disability to do simple activities. And guess, it is kind of attempt to look more smart and masterful when you get down minority. This is probably the first for a long time when I felt as oppressed minority and it made me really mad. I’ve never been a feminist and considered this term as negative. But comments like ‘since you have couple of breasts you don’t need your brains’ helped me to discover, that feminist are noble and brave woman, who fight to have equal rights.

I don’t think I will work with these crazy guys too long, because on daily basics we hate and fight each other. Another sad thing, our managers are Swedes and they do not understand what is going on (they don’t speak and understand Russian). They have only my complaints and ‘nothing happens’ respond from boys. Another girl is more soft and sometimes end up with tears.
Hope this experience wont turn me into man-hater, screaming “All men are cruel stupid assholes”. Sexism is the stupidest thing in the world.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Saidi super star :)))))

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy New Year!

It is a New Year in a week and I would like to make a little summary of past year and plans for the next.

I have to say 2008 was completely awful.

I got bored to death with babysitting. I got tired of dancing. I got sick of my family and permanent financial troubles. We broke our car. It wasn’t insurant and repair ate all savings. Once I was blamed for money (like I don’t make a profit and so must be less arrogant) I decided to go and get money and probably get rid of situation and people I got stuck with. I started to spam IT companies in November and whole month there were not even single interview invitation (Hi, crisis!) Then, in December, finally guys from one Israel Company led a nice technical interview (my first for the last 4 years!) where I showed up myself a total idiot. However I think situation on market changed to better and I started receiving more invitation and finally got a deserved job offer from another body shop company, which sold me to Swedish customers. That is for 2008.

2009 in my mind is going to be great, a year of big changes. On 11th January I go for business trip to Sweden, Stockholm for 3 weeks. Yahoo!! It means for me:

1. I’ll get rid of crazy family and will be alone for a nice long 3 weeks.

2. I’ll get my own money and no one will disgrace myself for damned money.

3. If I’m not miss my family in a trip, if it is not just tiredness of maternity, upon return I will think about new, lonely and independent life.

Now I think loneliness in the greatest thing in the world!

Happy New Year!

Monday, October 06, 2008


I have to say a few words about this and that. Didn't post for a long time. This is good. This means I found a lot of activities, which really caught me from surfing inet.
Another thing would like to mention I didn't stop missing my sweetheart. I don't know weather this good or bad?
But it proves my theory, which says once you fallen in love this will stay with you forever.

I named this post recurrence, because this is what happens to my work now. Every time I have started to do anything it repeats by one and the same scenario. At first, I have great inspiration and energy, do lot of hard work and get something very good, growth, money, connections, possibilities. Then for a while I eat a bread of my success. And the last stage I feel down, start to hate everything connected to my work and prior goals and quite it. The average time for this typical cycle is 2-4 years. Every time it happens again and again. This time I quitted dancing. I do not train nor study anymore. I’m thinking about sailing my costumes and collection of unique video. Totally fed up with all that stuff. The only hope is cycle will repeat and once my eyes will see situation in different light.

Let you all have inspiration forever!