Wednesday, June 27, 2007
If you attached to a wrong person and it tears your heart

Life is a field of miracles. You plant this field with seeds BY YOURSELF. YOU plant it with Wisdom. Wisdom, in my opinion, it is knowledge of spiritual lows and their absolute performing in practice, with pure heart and soul. So, you plant on the field of miracles love, generosity, charity and here comes HE. You notice his moral principles. You see his soul storage is empty, his goals differs from yours. He is not field-crop grower shortly.
What to do?
Keep improving YOUR field of miracles…without him.
Harvest will be brought! Be sure!
Never regret if you ever have done something good, if you have given, favored, presented, tried to understand ect.
You have done it for YOURSELF. Harvest will be brought. But you will gather it with another person. With somebody, who planted, poured, spud and looked forward to his own work even without you. But He is also field-crop grower! There is exists such men!
Don’t regret that you have met a person with other criteria and wasted your time, energy and even money.
They were not wasted! Harvest will be brought on your field of miracles.
He just is not able to get such things. He is not for you. And remember: never be jealous if he has somebody else: he seeks for what he can get more, but not what he can give more. Sympathize him, because his field of miracles is empty and nothing will grow there. Generous and empathetic person can’t be attached to greedy and harsh one, because there is no energy exchange, no shared feelings. This situation doesn’t worth warring about.
Take a vacation better!
You are not on the way with him. Give yourself “excellent” mark for generosity, kindness, total mercifulness and love. All these things will come to YOU from another side.
Be sure! Good luck! Be happy! You have passed an exam!
Labels: Compass, Investigation, Personal, Romance
Thursday, June 21, 2007
This divine drink

Drinking tea his way was special ceremonial ritual. All family has gathered on the kitchen after rich supper. The head has taken big iron mug 0.5 l, filled up half of it with a black Georgian tea (he bought tone of it when served in Soviet Army in Georgia, we had really no tea those times in country) and another half with pour boiling water. After 10-15 minutes some young female of us were allowed to serve out other members of the family with this great chefeer. Although our cups were big, even washy drink was very black and strong. To make it taste not so bitter, we used to put 6-12 portions of sugar in. We didn’t drink from cups, but from piala (deep plates 10-15 cm D), blowing hardly on liquid to make it cooler. While drinking grand pa has argued with himself about politics and other life stuff – to argue with him was really dangerous for health. He was his own master, harsh steel founder, tempered warrior and everyone was afraid of him.
We have had a tea at home, even those times, when there was nothing. I wonder how mom has managed to get it, but it quite good suppresses hunger and gives a strength and hope to live till tomorrow, when it should going be better.
Tea also calms down nervous perfectly, especially combined with cakes and sweets, honey. I was surprised, when got known, that it is distributed to have tea with desert in Eastern Europe mainly, in other places I visited it is ok to give a tea without anything, what would seem almost like offence in here.
Nowadays a broad assortment of tea can satisfy the most capricious gourmets. One section of my kitchen cabinet is full of various tea packs, noble English tea, classic Ceylon, mysterious Chinese dragon, there is only no grand pa’s sugary chefeer, which I miss sometimes so much.
Labels: Investigation
Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Labels: Personal
Monday, June 11, 2007
The First Fire show fest in Kiev
Last Saturday it was organized the first fire festival in Kiev. My honey was given an honor to deliver us (my dance teacher and her 2 best followers - me and Yana) to scene of action. As none of us knew the path, but everyone has own version, the way took 2 hours instead of 40 minutes, while searching we visited all Kiev sights – Maidan, Mariinskyi park, Eternal fire, Singing field, Lavra and finally ex Green Theatre. I have only one complain to organizers, If you organize an event in such hidden place, provide a map to bill. The whole show was perfect, great compositions with alive drums, difficult stagings and a lot of fire. I’ve made several episodes of best productions. The First one was performed by Kiev group, it called “Legend of Maui” (about how human tried to win a victory over death):
Next episode I liked most of all. It was not so complicated and weird as previous, but was very bright, dynamic and well organized. This girls group from Harkov was undoubtedly the best.
Great work of Harkov team.
Harkov rules!
When we arrived home, my hon, who was very pleased at the beginning to drive a car, full of bellydancers, said in the end that has a headache of non-stop flow of girls talks and happy to have one non-talkative wife.
Next episode I liked most of all. It was not so complicated and weird as previous, but was very bright, dynamic and well organized. This girls group from Harkov was undoubtedly the best.
Great work of Harkov team.
Harkov rules!
When we arrived home, my hon, who was very pleased at the beginning to drive a car, full of bellydancers, said in the end that has a headache of non-stop flow of girls talks and happy to have one non-talkative wife.
Labels: Dance
Monday, June 04, 2007
If you had a chance to return in the past or jump to future
Just regret about several accidents, when acted meanly in the past, it would worth to be corrected. Those insulted people didn’t deserve what I’ve made to them and sorrow will always tear my heart.
But global, important things, which I would want to avoid in past or change somehow, they are unfortunately beyond the power. And in the end all hell what I've had gives me a taste of present’s beauty and happiness.
A future seemed to be very bright and if it is not, I am sure it can’t be worse than past for sure, prefer to have nice surprises day by day than to know how everything will happen.
Really feel shame to be too much careless, happy and satisfied…
Labels: Investigation, Personal