Laugh, dance, romance

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Behavior on a dancing-party

The rules

Behavior on a dancing-party

For the dancing party the toilers must wear the light cloths and shoes. It is prohibited to dance in the working or sport wear.
It is prohibited to dance in the perverted way.
A dancer must perform his\her dance correctly, neatly and equally good by right leg as well as by left leg.
A woman has a right to express her displeasure in a polite way, if a man doesn’t keep allowed 3 cm distance, and to demand the explanations from him.
Laughing and smoking are permitted in the dedicated places.
Written by N.Sizov

[lax:] I wonder what would say mr. Sizov in his times about salsa or bellydance? Could he even imagine what will happen in 2006 year in Komi’s disco? Think he couldn’t the same as I can’t guess what will be in 2056 with dancing culture here…

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Monday, November 27, 2006

What the love is...

Recently I found a popular-scientific article, written by Anatolity Protopopov.
His work is kind of view on relationships from the angle of sexual selection. The author’s thesis seemed to me well-founded and explaining lot of things, which I couldn’t answer earlier.

Protopopov marks out two types of selection: natural and sexual. The first one is based on the statement that individual organisms with favorable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce than those with unfavorable traits. This way of selection is very slow, as it is very passive process. And this type of selection almost doesn’t work for humans world with our current humanity, high level of life, medicine ect.

But thanks God, we will not deteriorate and evolution didn’t stop, as we have the second type of selection, much faster and effective.
It calls sexual selection and was discovered first time by Darvin. It formulates as - individual organisms with favorable traits are more likely to take part in reproduction and leave their posterity.
In the animals world it works like only few the strongest, lead males are allowed to match with all females of population. Others males are out of work and pretend not to want.

With example of animals author determined instinctual breeding behavior for the males:

  • For realization of advantages of sexual selection males tend to match the biggest amount of females. They are fighters for AMOUNT of posterity, as their number of prolificacy is unlimited.

  • So, for males is a very natural target – more of good and different female bodies.

  • With the same reason the females, having limited posterity, tend to the highest QUALITY of their children. Thereby the females are exactly this selecting subject. They interested in the enlarging of a range of the potential partners, as this lightens the choice of the best one, rejecting others.

  • Thus, the normal breeding instinct of a female – the more different and good male’s hearts.

    On the strength of above statements author makes an analysis of men’s dominant lines, polygamy, wife’s adultery and lot of others interesting deductions.

    The whole article is here.


    Wednesday, November 22, 2006

    Salome dance

    Sumptuous feast organized King Herod dedicating to celebration of his day of birth.
    Grandees, superiors and patriarchs from the whole Galilee were given the honor of participating it. Visitors leisurely reclined on carpets, having delish viands and sweet wines. Their ears were flattered with slow, light melody, but suddenly musicians started continued anxious, troubled drums rhythm.

    Woman’s figure, covered by black veil, showed up in the banquet hall. The only sounds of instruments break the silence, all the guests died down.

    She gracefully walked around, waved her hands, the veil fell and her face became uncovered. Look, it is a Salome, a famous witch, a stepdaughter of Herod, was heard whisper among the audience.

    The stringed instruments were added and dancer started whirling. Her hands were elongated aside, a palm opened to viewers, it was a channel of drawing out human’s energy. She increased spinning round with ever moment, falling into a trance and then suddenly stopped, and took off her second bloody red veil, so that shoulders and hands were left naked.
    Hypnotized public groaned.

    Now dancer stand in the center, only upper part of her body has made rattlesnake movements: little, broken, almost recognizable rippling. Inexorable treat turned into stone any living creature in the room, but hurl of purple veil, opening a belly, made them breathing again.

    Each cycle of her passionate demonic dance has fallen audience into a deep trance, and every release of dancer’s cover carried them on the new level of immersion. Seven covers were taken off, and the only golden plates have hided her bursts and round hips.

    Orchestra put an end to playing. Enchanted guests were roared out of admiration. An impulsive insanity caught the victims of sorceress dance magic. They screamed ecstatically: “Reward! Reward! ”

    Herod turned to Salome: “O splendiferous, you pleased my guests, what do you want for your gift? Ask anything you want, I promise to perform, if even it will be a half of my kingdom! ”

    “Let me appeal to the Almighty, He will give me the answer” – said Salome and vanished after King’s permission.

    She ran quickly to the chapel, where her mother Herodias was waiting for her.
    - I did everything as you said and he is ready to perform any of my wish. What do you want, my dear mother?
    - Head of John the Baptist would give me a pleasure for a while, - was the answer.

    In a moment Salome was standing in front of Herod, asking for the bloody award. Shadow of sorrow lied on the King’s face, but he has to keep promise and dreadful present were brought on the silver tray to her feet.

    In deathly silence girl took a head in her hands, and said: “You used to say nasty things about my mother, and now you are keeping silence, what happened? What if I kiss you, probably you will answer me?”
    She kissed John’s dead lips and laughed loudly: “Oh, your lips are cold, you shut up forever!”


    Friday, November 17, 2006


    Etymology, the science of word’s formation history is one of the most interesting and enigmatic. It enlightens unbelievable connections between folks.

    Today in the lunch time I ran to a jewelry shop to check out an assortment and select something beautiful for my coming birthday. There I met a man, the oriental one, also buyer. He asked, what attracted me at the showcase. I was like, everything! He was like, you are exactly similar my wife this way, we burst out laughing.

    Two teenagers, passing over, called him banabak.

    In a moment man from joyful and humorous turned into furious and offended. He sent them some curse in his language.

    I recognized it was Turkish, and asked not to pay attention to non-cultural teens. He involved me in the discussion of meaning the word "banabak".

    Literally, in Turkish “bana bak” equals to “look at me”, “look here”.

    Mert (my recent interlocutor) idealized martial Turks. He thought, that roots of formation this word traces back to Turkish-Russian battles. I was standing for the more recent times.

    He said solemnly with vehemence of the real oriental: "Turks never used to kill a man, turned back to them, during the combat brave Turkish warriors demanded from enemy to look into their eyes. They shouted – Bana bak! bana bak! - brandishing a saber and Russians started to call them and others Orientals with this word.”

    "O, Mert – I said slightly graciously, - I think, everything is mush easier! No doubts, it was traditional treatment of hot-tempered Turkish-speaking and other Asians ... males to our locals, especially to females ones. Well, they have to attract attention to themselves some way, even if they don’t know a language. But our mocking beauties made an offensive nickname of this word.
    It made him laugh again, but unfortunately our further talk deviated from etymology subtleties, I lost interest and took a leave.

    *Banabak – abusive curse, applied to people with oriental appearance – black hairs, eyes and swarthy skin, quite popular in the Ukraine and south of Russia…


    Tuesday, November 07, 2006

    East or West, where to go?

    Discussion about the cultural identity in the whole world is caused by complex of attitude to the West. Almost all people in the world are trying to live in the west style. But since they noticed, that West doesn’t consider them equals and worth, they become disappointed, annoyed, and have a tendency to stand on their own values. They criticize a western depravity, corruptness and atheism, but live in the houses, equipped in a western style, drives the imported cars. Main part of the discussion about the West and East has no real basement. When people exchange by their perceptions about foreigners, and have no real basement, their polemic is just an empty crap.
    Orientals say, as if in the West there are harsh individualism without any respect to parents and old people, a perverse sex and violence. I observe 8 year marriage life of my sister with European in Germany. I visited France, Holland, Belgium and lived in families there, so after all can say in the firm belief that this view has no connection with norms in the West.

    Individualism lets human be free (relatively, as in the West there are some attachments also), and doesn’t affect other humans rights in the same time. In the West there are no morality code, written or non-written, which forces to respect their parents. People in the West just without it love their parents and friends very much. In other words, in the West natural human felling of sympathy and love joins people together instead of forced religion and other morals.
    Way of living in the West is unpretentious. The only little minority are ably to let themselves “Porsche” or “Jaguar”. Europeans don’t seek for the new models of mobiles. They spend a main part of their incomes for education of their children, for vacation and equipment of their houses. I know from reliable source, that wife of Minister Economics in Germany once helped her son, when he was injured, to reap a harvest, she drove tractor by herself, though she was able hire workers for sure. Orientals also identify West with a luxurious life. In fact, in the West moral dignity and freedom are more valuable then materialistic goods.
    I still haven’t decided how to identify myself, I relate to Russian as well as to Ukraine, and I can’t decide if these countries western or eastern. Last time I have carried away to the East as it was always antipode to that western materialistic culture.

    I’ve thought eastern morale was able to improve ambiguous western cult of personality, which I’ve thought ignores interests of other people. But, I was fallen in love with phantom of the East.
    I tried it on, as a new dress or cosmetic, as it was the last word in fashion here.
    And I had lack of objective overview about other civilizations. Lot of old stereotypes I got from school, university and mass media. According to my stereotypes, every oriental is exceptionally spiritual, has own spiritual teacher. Whole day long they pray and spend time in meditations and talking to God. When they are not pray, they work for their family well-being. They never drink, never eat drugs and don’t do any crime, as lows of Shariat so stricted. Every woman is master of bellydance and example of honor same time. It was a little problem with legalization of male’s polygamy, but, well, where they are not polygamous? It is even better, as they honestly marry all their passions. I will not mention myths about Far East, they even more silly…

    This East doesn’t exist. Values and mentality of people change with economical development. Typical example is Western Europe, which doesn’t inherited Greek and Roman civilizations straightly. After Germans destroyed them, Europeans have lived a primitive life. Greek and Roman knowledge were inherited by Arabs and natural sciences have developed in the near East and central Asia. The Europeans imitated Greece-Roman culture from the Byzantium and Arabs. After “epoch of great navigation” Europeans monopolized a trade flow to the East, a center of the wealth and worlds trade in that time, and riches in the America. Modernization of Europe started that time with a changing of social order, manners of communicating, values and mentality, developing of economics and science.
    Statement of western Europeans that freedom and democracy is the only way of development, that only Europeans were able to develop science, it is nothing but arrogance and a lack of knowledge about their history.
    Freedom and democracy in its current appearance were formed only at the beginning of 20 century. And it is not a reason, but consequence of development.
    Other nations are able to develop science as well as democracy.
    And well, my conclusion: it is better to stay somewhere in the middle, taking the best from both sides...


    Thursday, November 02, 2006

    Shall we dance?

    If you want to prove your partner, invite him for a dance. There are several simple guidelines, which help to draw a conclusion, if he is good, if he suits you personally.

    Each partner plays his\her own role. The male part is leading, dominant. Right one will whirl you, carefully directing and choosing trajectory of movement. With able partner you will feel yourself freely and light-heartedly, even if you have not danced before. He will uphold you, when it is needed, never let you fall down or loose equilibrium. He will be able to step aside for some moments, for let you express yourself, to show your own beauty and art.

    Pay attention to his manners, how much he is a gentleman, if his hands put in the suitable places. Does he watch to your eyes directly or look around, hiding something?
    In case his technique is better then yours, he will not let you feel yourself clumsy.
    Even though his technique is poor, you will not observe it, because of his confidence, peace of mind and readiness to study, move opposite and ability be taught.

    The main line of the women’s part is compliance, amenability. The good female partner must completely trust to her mate. The only one decision, which woman has to make by herself is whom to choose for a dance. Since she agreed to dance with somebody, she must let him make all other decisions.
    To be soft, flexible, relax, facile is enough to be considered as a good dancer. But if you are able to move in unison, to guess a wish of your partner and able to perform it, you can be accepted is ideal, perfect dancer.
    Manipulating, trying to lead woman makes whole pair look anesthetically. Male in that case looks stupidly and weakly.

    There are also some common criteria for both sides. It is patience, ability to forgive mistakes, ability to accept your own mistakes. If you step on your partners foot and make a pain, beg a pardon immediately and try not to do it again. When your foot was stepped by, forgive, and try to treat it with kind friendly humor. Good pair doesn’t stop their dance because of the trifling offences.

    Exceptionally perfect technique is result of experience, long practice with numerous partners. Inborn talent to feel person, to determine optimal rhythm and style happens rarely. If you are not jealous and do not afraid, that master will not stop, but will continue to enlarge his experience further, relax and get satisfaction.

    And finally, if you think that dancing in pair in not the best idea and you have neither ability or talent to perform it, if you do not trust to experienced dancers and do not forgive mistakes to inexperienced, then dance a Solo, my favorite kind of dance at all times.

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