What the love is...
Recently I found a popular-scientific article, written by Anatolity Protopopov.
His work is kind of view on relationships from the angle of sexual selection. The author’s thesis seemed to me well-founded and explaining lot of things, which I couldn’t answer earlier.
Protopopov marks out two types of selection: natural and sexual. The first one is based on the statement that individual organisms with favorable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce than those with unfavorable traits. This way of selection is very slow, as it is very passive process. And this type of selection almost doesn’t work for humans world with our current humanity, high level of life, medicine ect.
But thanks God, we will not deteriorate and evolution didn’t stop, as we have the second type of selection, much faster and effective.
It calls sexual selection and was discovered first time by Darvin. It formulates as - individual organisms with favorable traits are more likely to take part in reproduction and leave their posterity.
In the animals world it works like only few the strongest, lead males are allowed to match with all females of population. Others males are out of work and pretend not to want.
With example of animals author determined instinctual breeding behavior for the males:
So, for males is a very natural target – more of good and different female bodies.
Thus, the normal breeding instinct of a female – the more different and good male’s hearts.
On the strength of above statements author makes an analysis of men’s dominant lines, polygamy, wife’s adultery and lot of others interesting deductions.
The whole article is here.
Labels: Investigation
I pretty much disagree with this approach. The major thing that attracts oppsite sex nowadays, is money or high social status. No matter how physically attractive you are - if you can offer them financial stability women will most likely choose you over others.
But of course, this is but another stereotype, and doesn't explain anything.
That’s fun, but you are pretty much agree with A. Protopopov in actual fact :)
I’m sorry that didn’t reflect his ideas in a proper way. I’ll try it once more:
1. Women are selective subject of selection. They tend to choose (to love) the best representative for posterity sequel.
2. The best representative – it is the dominant individual with high hierarchical rank. He is the best hunter, the main boss, the teacher in school, popular pop singer, any kind of leader, authority.
3. As money reflects high status of individual in the best way, women tend to choose (to love) financially provided men. If the rich man is not real leader (he won lottery, inherited fortune from American grandma) women less likely will choose him as for love.
She will use him for satisfying her material needs, but for her heart she will choose high ranked man.
And the fact, you called stereotype, explains, that women nowadays in general don’t resist their sexual instinct and keep on making her typical choice as 10 million years ago :)
Thumbs up for mr. Protopopov and You! You've made it clear to me. But wait! Still the main question is unanswered - what the love is?))
According to Mr. Protopopov, love – is instinctive reaction, which switches on, when woman meets a man, who suits her instinctive model of attractive individual.
For men it is easier, as they used to have feelings like love to any woman in her childbearing age. Their love fast-passing and finishes as soon, as they achieve their object of love.
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