Laugh, dance, romance

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Thank you for taking off my pink glasses

I suspected of availability too much attention to a woman in eastern country. That seemed to me fun character, peculiar properties of simple people in there. I lived several months in Turkish quarter of Frankfurt-am-Main, there lived not only Turks but Arabs as well, and probably because all emigrant feel sympathy of each other among often aggressive locals, I liked contact them more then Germans. They were friendlier, easy-going, ready to help, and more close to me by way of artfulness, playfulness, and their not-so-easy open-heartedness, so common for Russians, what goes to our Asian part of roots.
I adored oriental culture, religion, food, music, and dance. Most of my impressions were formed by Mirzakarim Norbekov ideas, old nice naive soviet’s movies, relations with our local Muslims, dance-teachers from Egypt and Lebanon, which lessons I have luck to visit in Kiev and visiting all cultural oriental-related events in here. Their immateriality, spirituality attracted me so much, each of them easily quotes the whole Koran. It was so uncommon, comparing with our totally atheistic society. Respectable, virtue, modest veiled women, responsible, never drinking, mighty men, hospitable, kindly, hearty families – they seemed just paradise society. Religious extremism was not so valuable argument against my blind adoration of traditions, any family has a freak (Russian proverb) and each finger is different (usually heard this proverb from Orientals).
But the fact I read recently turned inside out all my perception of things.
On October 23rd and 24th, after Ramadan finished, in the down town of Cairo crowd of men used sexual violence to women, who were unlucky to be on the streets those days. As I got, there were no difference, were they veiled or not, were they old or young, alone or with children\husbands\relatives. Just monstrous fact, men started suddenly group assault to any female in a radius of their view. And what is more terrible, that some part of society seriously assumes the victims were guilty. THEY JUSTIFY AND EVEN EXCUSE THOSE MALE PERVERTED ANIMALS.
Such accident could happen in European country, in war times, with hungry enemy soldiers, though they won't get away with this. But in calm time, after great religious fast, when people should be the most inspired, the most clean, in the greatest cultural Arabic center!
Each society has its own moral values, which changes with time. There is no sense for outsider to judge, using his/her values. But the lows of nature is the same for any society, any creature has its own right for safety, for life. Unnatural violence used to giving life, defenseless, godlike woman reflects great depths of naughtiness, perversity of system there.
I come to conclusion - religious doesn’t mean spiritual. I still not sure if dogmas and restrictions are good or bad. If they canceled, probably people would get back to their worst animal instincts and rivers of blood wash up their lands.
On the other hand if they stick to hard and fast rules their hot blood, exertion accumulates and run out in those awful events.
It impressed me so much, because it could happen with me. I was going to Cairo in November, on the dance fast. I dreamed so long about this trip, prepared suitable close and veils, which I thought will protect me from immodest looks and nobody will know I’m foreigner. I thought I could walk alone or in our girls’ troupe arrangement, and visit all those places I planned. Now I see what a crazy idea it was, and thanks God last moment I decided not to go. How sadly it is to let go illusion which I loved so much!

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At 3/11/06 08:47, Blogger Unknown said...

i guess no one assumed the victims were guilty but well people like me believe that the guilt is always bigger than you expect, everyone has a share in the guilt when things in the entire society go wrong i guess. It is just a theory...

At 3/11/06 11:12, Blogger Lamis said...

Thank you for your attention to this post. I agree everyone is guilty, when it is going about entire society and everybody will pay for everything they do, and their relatives, especially children will pay.
Concerning “no one assumed the victims were guilty” – couple quotes from different sources:

Red Tulips
said: “When a Mufti says that women are uncovered pieces of meat, it excuses rape. There is a problem in the culture.”

• “Yet, after all this, a cleric claims that Rape Is Women's Fault in a recent post by Freedom For Egyptians.”

Canadian Progressives Defend Justification of Rape

I’m so scared, shocked and upset now :(

At 4/11/06 18:37, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Check out this Egyptian blogger:

I used to think that Russian women suffer most with all the domestic violence that is almost expected (esli biet znachit lyubit)...

Got a bit of a shock when I learnt about this. It would appear that in Egypt even harassment in the street is normal and most people don't do anything about it.

At 5/11/06 18:51, Blogger Lamis said...


Welcome here, I’ve checked out Mech’s blog and even left a comment. When I saw first post – “When the crowds are gone”, I didn’t believe, it seemed as a provocation. But after all those girls posted their experience, picture become trustful and very sad. Owner of the blog does good job, assuming all facts and distributing it world-wide. World is changing so fast now, I think Egypt and others will be absorbed by western culture soon. I see now a split in their society. An intellectual elite youth after European\American graduation consider western values more attractive then traditional one. They will build their democracy, equal rights, feministic flows and McDonalds.

At 5/11/06 18:55, Blogger Lamis said...


By the way, do you speak Russian? ;
) “esli biet znachit lyubit” (beats means loves)– this proverb was made up by village woman in old Russia as justification that they were beaten by their husbands. It was so hard to get any caress, endearment from a harsh northern man, that they were sure that beating is expression of love. Logic – if he beats, he pays attention, if he pays attention, he has feelings. If he has feelings, he loves :))

Now Russian woman suffers domestic violence if only she is masochist. In case she is not, she will divorce immediately. Unfortunately, too much Russian men used to be drunkers, frustrated, not interested in family well-beingю They so often are not able to provide themselves, not to mention their women and children. In contrast to Russian man, Russian woman is very powerful, strong, independent, all-sufficient. They works whole day, able after work care about their children, do all house work and from time to time beat her lazy weak man by rolling-pin :)

And finally, in our culture sexual violence is one of the most terrible crimes. When sexual violator puts into prison, he automatically becomes object of violence of all criminals there. He puts in the lowest caste of crime hierarchy, called Petuhi (cocks) with no chance to leave this caste.

At 5/11/06 22:12, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I speak Russian. I am originally from Chelyabinsk.

I've seen statistics that a Russian woman is ~1000 times more likely to suffer domestic violence than an American one. Having said this, I am well aware that Russian women are starting to become more financially independent and as a result things are improving.

I am not sure Egypt et al becoming westernised. 50 years ago they were more westernized than they are now. It is only recently that most Egyptian women started wearing niqba. Now I can see why.

Vsego horoshego,


At 6/11/06 10:19, Blogger Lamis said...

I do not wander if this statistic were made by American researchers, who never visited Russia. ;) Statistic is a very inaccurate thing, the most beloved instrument for manipulating of society consciousness.
When I speak about Russia, I mean Slavs. Traditionally, from Kievska Rus’ times woman was very honored and esteemed. Cult of mother-goddess, mother-land, Bereginya was one of the most respected, and though Christianity changed some things, role of a woman remained still valuable.
As I know in Russia about 20% population are not Slavs but Caucasians, Tatars and other Asian Muslims, who traditionally subdue woman and treat her like a thing, not human. Probably they figured out your statistic? :)
I assume the violence is possible in Russian family if aggressor is drunk or has serious mental disorder and what is very probable he just have defended himself from his wife attack. And well, alcohol doesn’t make men aggressive in all cases. Often it makes them even kinder and softer.

At 6/11/06 12:08, Blogger Unknown said...

well if it is not becoming westernhized i am thanking God shlemazl, cause apparently I believe we dont need any one's shit to live on, I am not with the whole rape thing but let me put it this way, I have a culture and I dont need to lose my identity and live in shit and be westernized to be civilized... If we men and women live by our customs and traditions the way they were meant to be, we will be civilized enough to be the best, it is just that we are stupid not to...

At 6/11/06 12:24, Blogger Unknown said...

And btw shlemazl, they started wearing niqab not niqba, and the reason was a religious awakening because they didnt know much about religion... I think people are free under your westernized BS to choose religion and decide for themselves how they wanna please God...

At 7/11/06 02:02, Anonymous Anonymous said...


The source of data was a Russian organization. It was campaigning for women to stop tolerating this behaviour and it was also providing shelters.

Here is more:

"Official figures say domestic violence is part of the life of every fourth Russian family".

You are right that statistics is often misused to make a political point.

Still, I do think the figures are real. I travel to Russia regularly and outside big cities you see unbelievable alcoholism.

I don't think it has anything to do with the Slavic culture. Perhaps it has something to do with collectivization, which removed all the best people from Russian villages. The main factor is economy. In the US they used to have a lot of domestic violence in 1930s until women became financially independent.

At 7/11/06 12:04, Blogger Lamis said...


If every fourth Russian family has domestic violence, thanks God, I live in Ukraine!
I do not travel to Russia so regularly, but here I saw real domestic violence once, and it was Armenian family, emigrants from Karabah. I do not consider cases, when woman beats a man, it is not violence :), and it happens often.

And again, alcoholism is not equal violence. Somebody becomes aggressive when drunk, somebody’s not.

You are right, collectivization and “raskulachivanie” was the greatest evil, no motivation for production, enterprising and destruction of best representatives. It turned in total degradation of villages, as well as in cultural degradation. :(

Being independent for a woman probably resolves problem of violence, but raises into problem of degeneration. In west Europe woman gets married in 30, in 35 she has first child and it is in the best case. And if statistic says that birth rate there is ok, I will argue, that digitals figured out by eastern immigrants.

By the way, I’ve heard Israel has a problem with birth rate, Russian female repatriates marry arabs and accept their culture (lot of children, islam ect.), rather then fulfill Jews gene pool. Is it true, interesting?
I got this info from:

At 8/11/06 02:54, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link. It was fun. The technical term for the article is "bullshit".

As far as I am concerned it would have been better had there been intermarriage in Israel, but sadly there is very little.


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