Man or woman, whose life is better?
That was too much funny discussion, can't resist publishing it. I don't really sure if it is better to be a woman then a man, but I definitely positive to keep own origin for everyone and to not try living seriosly the way of opposite sex.
A(f): Did I tell you how much I wish I had been born a man?
B(f): Are you serious? You would want to be a man? Oh….imagine, everyone expect you to be strong, never cry, your girlfriends would try hard to get presents and money from you. Man has no right to be weak and emotional. His sense of life is to provide family and be on worthy level with other men – good car, house, beautiful wife ect. If man has none of it, he is deeply unhappy and feels himself worthless. Woman’s life is much easier and more sensible seems to me… And man's body is less attractive them woman's. We are such round, soft, plastic and delicate everywhere :)
A(f): 1. For a man it's much easier to find a job (evading military service is not such a big problem nowadays:)));
2. If a man doesn't have a posh car and mansion, it's not a crime and as for me, it doesn't make him unworthy;
3. Menfolk never go through childbirth torment and don't have troubles with menstruation;
4. If a man had a lot of lovers they would call him Casanova, but if a woman had a lot of lovers they would call her a whore;
5. According to what I've heard from religion, all women are sinners from the start, just because they are women, and all the men are nearly saints (what a nonsense!);
6. Men never suffer so hard and long as we do after breaking with sweethearts. After all, it's a man who usually dumps a woman, and when a woman casts away a man, it's most often for the purpose of avoiding him being the first to do it...
And no doubt, men still have more rights than women do (IMHO).
About attractivity: there are a lot of handsome men, aren't there?
B(f): 1. Woman doesn’t need a job at all, she can find a man, who cares about her and she will be treated as worthy (good housewife or caring girlfriend). Man who would try to attach rich woman and live for her cost is miserable Alfonse.
2. It is not a crime for you? Who would you chose between two equally good men, one with posh car or bus passenger? We have to choose the worthiest, to provide our posterity. We can’t let losers be fathers of our children and degenerate whole population.
3. Childbirth is not a torment, it’s the greatest gift for a woman, as well as pregnancy, just imagine, you are giving a new life to a tiny innocent creature or little soul grows in your womb, and day by day you are giving all your love and care to it…Men so poor because aren’t able to have such experience. Agree, periods sucks, but they have troubles also with pollutions and their hornyness. Once I was walking after the lady in the short skirt, so short that it was possible to recognize her pants fashion, and it was so fun to witness men reaction. They became just paralyzed for several minutes. They couldn’t walk, talk, drive a car….were able just to watch with hungry eyes…We are not that weak, thanks God.
4. Yes, we are blamed to have a lot of lovers in all times…but is it really needed to sleep with all them? I mean, we can have a lot of friends, give them a little hope and use for our needs so called "frendship" between m and f, manipulating their feelings as much as they manipulate ours, been dishonest and sleeping around. It is not prohibited. In this case you are just sociable and sweet. We are not horny, we don’t need a lot of lovers at the first place, even one man is too much enough sometimes...
5. Well, agree. The authors of religious texts are men. This should be taken into consideration. In real, we almost never kill or fight, we less depraved, giving life creatures are defenitely closer to God.
6. If you are interested and have time or, read this - He turned my perception of relationships inside out. There are only rare men who dare to cast away women, usually it is only our initiative, direct or indirect. Men suffer the same.
It is like with women, there are some cynical women and men who don’t suffer, and there are romantic and emotional women and men who suffer.
Yes, they have more rights and MUCH more responsibilities. Nowadays woman formally is allowed to do everything what a man do, the question is - does she really need do all that…
Really handsome man is very likely a gay. It’s a shame for a man care to much about appearance. In general, they less attractive then we are, they have ruder lines.
C(m): So funny to read your comparisons between men and women. My impression is that women never realize what freedom means to a man. Women in most cases want to take control over you. They would always demand your care and attention. Yet I never met a self-sufficient woman. That would herself be responsible for her emotional ups and downs. I hate to see women expecting men to make them happy. That's so childish and inmature.
B(f): OMG, why men care so much about their freedom, instead of giving us all their time, care, attention and credit cards, that would make us really happy :))))
...One more reason, why I would hate to be a man, nobody annoys me with such cheeky requests!
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