Who is worse?
Yesterday I’ve had “luck” of dealing with state officials and state doctors. So much humiliation, aggression and rage I’ve experienced last time several years ago in our state educational institution only.
The only one idea comes to head, our country has well-organized campaign against its citizens.
Unfortunately, Tax inspection, Pension found and Regional Administration are places, which I have to visit often, as I’m Private Entrepreneur. Why not to make procedures easier?! In each of these authorities are hundred cabinets, every one works once or twice a week in the most possible inconvenient time.
Two types of people work as officials – grand slippery annoying men with running eyes. They have high rank and rich bribes. And fat, slow moving and thinking with big chemical nests on the heads women with acute menopause syndrome. They have poor bribes, chocolate usually, that’s why they are so fat. I hate giving bribes, hate flattering and ass-kissing, that’s why I know all procedures, last decrees and low changes and my papers are ideal. They hate my familiarity of the subject, a confidence that all proceedings are perfect, they hate my youth, high incomes and low taxes.
It would be much easier to play their rules, to bring candies, to congratulate them with some fest, to smile and tremble, to be more flexible for bending the back but I’m not looking for easy ways. And they “loose accidently” my checks and payment transactions, they force me to wait, to visit additional cabinets, they shout, they annoy greatly and finally submit everything and let me go.
Our government maintained system, which suppresses any initiatives and Private enterprise in very effective and organized way. Metallic nervous and strong boorishness resistance is a must if you want to survive among officials having a business.
The main medicine in Ukraine is costless, like in former USSR. Commercial clinics are arising, but it is slow process and they oriented to the most profitable profile – stomatology, laser correction of vision and esthetic (plastic) surgery. Average official salary of doctor in here is 100-200 $. To survive in Kiev, you need 400 $ at least. The most complicated (7-11 years of studying), important, humane profession turned to miserable, lower-paid salaried. And it is quite hard to retrain from doctor to anybody else due to its specificity.
So, doctors have no choice as to ask for bribes. They don’t care about new discoveries, new technologies and who will care if he has no money for food and rent? People, who have serious troubles with health and have money, are trying to find recommended doctor and visit and reward him personally. There is no chance to find any normal medical service for pensioners, students and others insolvent categories, although it is officially costless and accessible. You may stay whole day long in queue near cabinet, but you will not be received, because “personal” patients go first.
If you were happy to enter cabinet, wait, until doctor will discuss last gossips with his assistance. Let me share one I’ve heard and remembered:
- Imagine, she has a 0.5 year baby and they visit sauna yet! Such a healthy beautiful little boy…
- Oh, really? New born in sauna??
- Yes, almost every day since birth they put him covered in sweating-room! I’ve heard, she is from Siberia and it is normal in there.
- Oh, of course, Siberians are very tempered…And what is his father?
- You will not believe, he is A-r-a-pp.
- Who?
- Arapp, Somewhere from the East, has business here, that’s why boy is black…
- Where she found him? Are there not enough normal men? Poor kid, they will mock him at school…
Don’t hesitate if you are naked and 5-10 unknown people of both sexes have glanced at cabinet to say pair words to doctor. Be ready to hear impression about previous patient and her illness – “She probably drug addicted, so thin and pale…did you see her terrible livid spots on the hands…such people usually live no longer 10 years…”.
Then they will ask your job (social status). Calculator in the head clicks, how much may be taken and then you will receive standard diagnose and recommendations. After all you’ll hear something like: “We need to buy a new diagnostic apparatus here in cabinet, but has no money”, “we need so much writing materials and they do not provide us” or just simple - “I expect for a little reward, he-he” – “would you give me 5-15 $?” (sum depends on your appearance, seriousness of disorder, job ect.)
You give and since this minute you are the best friends with the doctor and he may give you additional recommendations. You don’t give, and be ready to die soon.
Luckily, I’m very healthy and my medicine knowledge is enough for occasional indispositions. But in few cases, even if you are healthy, you need an obligatory registration in state clinic. In such bright and happy moment of my life, visiting it will remain the terriblest impression.
Now, I think, who is worse – the corrupted officials, making all possible barriers for business-makers, creators of new working places, instead of support and help? Or insensitive medical bribe takers, so called lofty humanists, giving no shit to patients and self developing?
Labels: Cry
This parallels with the article I recently read:
Sometimes I myself why such ridiculous system exists. So far I came to the conclusion that this is because the critical number of people in this country are stupid.
The nation is mentally infected. It won't turn to better until people actually become wiser. And start thinking about the perspective.
It's not the governement or bureucracy. It's us. Our stupidity.
Great! You told about everything as it is, I wouldn't even be able to lay it down in Russian... I could just put my signature under every word of this post of yours! You really ought to be a journalist:)
Well, if such situation is in Kyiv, I wonder what I may say about our f***en town! Only can say one thing: I hate Ukraine and everything about this country, I wonder where could one find smth like this in entire world... You ask, who's worse? All of them are terrible, and those are not the only problems we face in our everyday life. I try to evade visiting doctors, but of course, it's necessary from time to time. As for officials, thanks God, I didn't seem to confront them as you did. But unfortunately, we can't escape this wicked reality while we're alive...
Paul, thanks for article.
It was really sad to read it and especially comments.
I would want to suggest after reading it to every Ukrainian, is NEVER rely on our social programs and try to protect themselves in a way of not paying taxes(to hide incomes, to receive bigger “covered” salary ect.), investing money somewhere(out of country) to get own (not state) pension. Start to rely only on very own self.
If you have no expectations and independent, it is much easier to accept any shit from system. I think our post soviet psychology that country owes us everything plays bad trick. This is the main stupidity.
Infinite, thanks,
rage makes any ordinary technician become a brilliant journalist, he-he :)
What I don’t like in Ukraine are long winters… I’m thinking about buying villa in Egypt or Turkey somewhere (dreaming about Caribbean seems barefaced impudence:))…
We are able to make our own reality…
But I’m agree, costless medicine and half of officials’ apparatus must die!
And about finding smth like here in entire world: after I’ve read a lot of middle-east citizens’ blogs I’ve learned we live in such a lovely, peaceful and great country!
Our women shouldn’t die if they are not virgin before marriage. We have no terracts, our students don’t go to prison for 5-10 years, if they have blaming religion blog ect.
You really touch global problems in your blog... But do you think these discussions will change a thing?
Concerning Middle East countries... ours is better in this aspect, of course, but still it is rotten. Frankly speaking, I don't understand middle east and dislike their religion and their people very much (pardon), and once you have written smth about taking off your pink glasses in here, and after having read your post I only started despising them much more!
It's only my humble opinion:)
Just it’s so tempting to imagine own self a great philosopher and thinker of new age…even if it is on blog pages :))
I don’t understand them as well, but trying to get something. Some people I meet from there were very honest and decent, some were not, so it is like everywhere, matter not of religion or culture, but of human nature of every single person…IMHO :)
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