Laugh, dance, romance

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The gypsy magic (part II)

It was long-awaited unique chance! I nodded my approval and was asked to hide behind the trees from people for best concentration. The only thing which I was worrying about that moment was disability to remember later how she will have made the trick. I fixed all my attention on everything what she has done so that to describe it step by step in details.

She started to ask a lot of questions, name, age, status, name of relatives, first love, last love ect. While I was answering, she has tied in a bungles white thread and commanded to count them. It was really hard to count bungles while you trying to restore your first love name, think, that moment usually simple victims loosing concentration and became compliant for picking the money.

When she finished her examination and tying, she asked sternly, like school teacher, how many bungles she has made. As in school I was cunning, when you have no idea about the subject, that they were 11. She asked again if I really sure they weren’t 12. What an old teacher’s trick, of course I was sure. She promised me a great unhappiness if it was lie. I didn’t know the worse unhappiness than failed exam, but seemed it hasn’t threatened me this time.

Then I was asked to show the ears - if the Venus planet keeps them open (?!), neck – if the Mars saves it from gallows, hands – if the Jupiter provides them with strength.
While I was thinking about planets and ears, she noticed the amount of jewelry and asked me to put in her hand a yellow metallic thing. I suggested a coin she rejected, arguing this is a bad metal, because has traveled too much through different people’s hands. Then wedding ring was proposed, it also was refused, because “you will stay single forever if you give it to somebody” and “it is too serious sin for her to make me unattached with a crown of celibacy”, so I get the yellow metal thing wasn’t supposed to be returned.

Finally I gave up, and said that I really don’t know what the thing she was wanting from me and let she would better say it directly. She ordered me to turn 3 times through right shoulder, every time behind my back she has told some pray, directed to clarify my future for her. Next she asked me to whirl quickly 9 times, which actually not too difficult if you practice dancing every day. When I finished she said I have to take off the chain with Christ and give it to her hand. This was impossible technically, as chain never has been taken off and lock stuck long ago.

Afterwards she started a long speech about some old woman, who tries to put the evil-eye on me, and the only chance to avoid the coming troubles is to give her a paper with two zero from pocket. It was almost an hour during we have frayed each others nerves, both tired and disappointed, so I gave up waiting the moment to be hypnotized or at least to feel whatever sorcery, not mentioning any reasonable predictions or facts from the past. I must say that my qigong instructor able to show much more wonders and they really amazing.

Anyway, she got some money for missed time, chocolate and corporate pencil to her children. As gratitude I was promised to find a little fortune in the nearest future. It was the only one true, because I finally found the way to a metro station and left Novobelyichi healthy and wealthy.

I still wonder if the Gypsy magic exists, if they really have any knowledge how to hypnotize and manipulate people’s consciousness or read the fate lines on the palms. I wouldn’t feel sorry for paper with two zeros to witness or experience such talents.



At 14/2/07 16:44, Blogger Shree Igor Baba said...

2 zeros!?? I can't believe you didn't demand some drugs for that!))

And seriously, thanks for the investigation. I always wondered what gypsies have in mind. Your experience shows they're like everybody else.

At 15/2/07 14:53, Blogger Lamis said...

To see the miracles, using drugs? Huh, that’s too easy, nothing interesting I guess, because anyone is able to perform it :)

Yeah, Gypsies are normal ordinary people, unfortunately sometimes more often asocial then others…


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