It could happen from time to time almost unknown man says several words to a woman. There are not very thoughtful talks, but the way of giving his attention, which we, women, always hungry can make us able to fall in love with him.
It is women’s nature to open easily towards feelings, there is nothing bad.
But in the moment, we realized our love, a fear gets control over. Completely to give up to love means to forswear everything, including our own well-being and ability to make decisions.
It means to love literally, in full meaning of this word, like Jesus taught.
But we don’t want follow his path, we don’t want be crucified by society. No, we want keep everything under absolute control, to be aware in every our decision and we want be able to chose object of love and admiration for ourselves.
Labels: Romance
Lamis, what right you are!!!
Oh, why, knowing all of this, we keep making the same mistake and mourning for our accursed destiny which will never change?
Did I tell you how much I wish I had been born a man?
Are you serious? You would want to be a man? Oh….imagine, everyone expect you to be strong, never cry, your girlfriends would try hard to get presents and money from you. Man has no right to be weak and emotional; his sense of life is to provide family and be on worthy level with other men – good car, house, beautiful wife ect. If man has none of it, he is deeply unhappy and feels himself worthless. Woman’s life is much easier and more sensible seems to me…
And man's body is less attractive them woman's. We are such round, soft, plastic and delicate everywhere :)
Well... I'll try to prove my opinion:
1. For a man it's much easier to find a job (evading military service is not such a big problem nowadays:)));
2. If a man doesn't have a posh car and mansion, it's not a crime and as for me, it doesn't make him unworthy;
3. Menfolk never go through childbirth torment and don't have troubles with menstruation;
4. If a man had a lot of lovers they would call him Casanova, but if a woman had a lot of lovers they would call her a whore;
5. According to what I've heard from religion, all women are sinners from the start, just because they are women, and all the men are nearly saints (what a nonsense!);
6. Men never suffer so hard and long as we do after breaking with sweethearts. After all, it's a man who usually dumps a woman, and when a woman casts away a man, it's most often for the purpose of avoiding him being the first to do it...
And no doubt, men still have more rights than women do (IMHO).
About attractivity: there are a lot of handsome men, aren't there? Unfortunately, my body is not so plastic and delicate and lacks shape, so I have every reason to want to be a man!
So funny to read your comparisons between men and women. My impression is that women never realize what freedom means to a man. Women in most cases want to take control over you.
They would always demand your care and attention. Yet I never met a self-sufficient woman. That would herself be responsible for her emotional ups and downs.
I hate to see women expecting men to make them happy. That's so childish and inmature.
OMG, why men care so much about their freedom, instead of giving us all their time, care, attention and credit cards, that would make us really happy :))))
Paul is partially right. Freedom really means EVERYTHING to a man...but not to every man. But I treasure my freedom as well. My concept is difficult to understand even for myself, but I'd like to note that I stand for equality of rights between a man and a woman, and it means giving each other mutual care, support and Just tell me, how can you call a simple human desire (though it sounds so banal) to be happy - childish and immature? Is it possible to consider life worth living if you know that you'll NEVER find happiness, although for a little while?!
3. Childbirth is a torment, I've heard enough about it..."giving a new life to a tiny innocent creature" - every woman is able to do this, so what's special in it? I've decided long ago that I don't want to have children - I won't stand it neither physically, nor psychologically... Probably I belong to a female minority which thinks so too. Well, I can't help this feeling...
"Really handsome man is very likely a gay. It’s a shame for a man care to much about appearance."
Well, don't you like beautiful or good-looking guys? Women may soothe themselves by calling them gays in revenge for treason or because of being unable to win their precious attention, but personally I don't know any handsome gay and maybe, any gay at all (though I've always been eager to meet such a subject:))
Caring too much about appearance is what men expect from women. There's a very high price to be paid for beauty - and one more ground for me to wish to be a man.
Men don't have to waste so much time, money and efforts on their exterior as women, in order to meet all requirements, to gain their liking and not to look worse than other women, - for own self-esteem. I hate it so much!
And the last but not the least:
There aren't enough rich and successful men to go round all women who want to marry them. Princes are intended for princesses. So I thought it over, sighed deeply, and have to put up with my INFINITE loneliness...
1. Woman can make carrier much easier, using her beauty. Man has no such opportunity, he must try hard always.
2. I judge men by my own level, car is not the only option Good personality is also important, but if man can’t provide deserved level for himself, he won’t definitely do it for his children, he won’t be that strong defensive shoulder, which expected to be. If he is young, then you can prognoses his perspectives by intuition, but if he’s after 30 and still has no achievements… I admire our kind of strong and sacrificial women, working like a man or even more, making all house work and caring for children and loser-husband, who most of the time drunk or lying on sofa and making philosophic reasoning of how the life was unfair to him. Such women chose their personal hell and proud of having it, my respect, it’s not really easy to live that way, I couldn’t.
And well, how do you think, whom will chose blondie on the road – generous Georgian in Mercedes or drunken Vasya on a bicycle? ;)
BTW, one more advantages for being a woman –It is WE choose a partner, men are less likely say no.
3. Every woman is able to do this, but none man on the earth can’t have this experience!
When you meet your truly love, I bet you will want to have a baby, a little copy of man, who you adore. It’s such a feeling to have a life inside your body, it’s like a big sunny, which warms every your cell and fulfills with love and tenderness…feeling that you will never be alone again…
Frankly speaking, I afraid good looking men like a hell and always avoid them :) Narcissus is not my type, it is men’s role to worship a women, not the reverse.
May be I’m wrong, here should the man say, but I think, men do not value our make ups, style ect. They are able to recognize only XXls and the most attractive women is naked for them :))) We buy tons of clothes and cosmetic to impress other women, who can really judge, so there is no need to try so hard and better to invest money and time in something more useful.
Good thought! May I dare to continue, every girl is able to put crown on a head and then princes will surround her, like annoying flies :)
1. Using beauty? But not all the women in the world are beautiful! And moreover, beauty won't help much if in addition to it a girl has no brains. Do you agree?
I recollect an interesting remark by one French manager who came to our enterprise and who wondered why there are so many females at our plant. He said: "We also have a lot of women working at our company, but the managers are all males." So the conclusion is quite clear.
2. As I am presently a blonde (though I don’t stand on the road), I can answer this question if you don’t mind: I’d choose Vasya, or none of them.
Honestly, I hope I’ll never have an opportunity to get acquainted with Georgians’ generosity; I loathe one sight of them.
Fancy how pleasant it is to walk serenely towards the park, normally dressed, in the afternoon, and suddenly some Mercedes (Lexus etc., doesn’t matter) stops in front of you to block your way, and the gooks inside of it begin to talk to you grinning, thinking only about raping you generously… Ugh!
Evidently, if a man wastes money on a woman, he does it for the only one purpose, and you know it.
Oh, and I would be so lucky if a guy I chose didn’t say no!
3. “…none man on the earth can’t have this experience” – and that’s why I envy men! “…feeling that you will never be alone again” - it is a temporary feeling; someday a baby will grow up and distance himself from his mother.
4. Men don’t value our efforts and pains taken to look attractive for them, but they demand it and consider it our duty. Recently I’ve heard the conversation of two guys which laughed discussing the girlfriend of one of them, who had broken her nail and said it was a big tragedy. Her boyfriend was indignant, wondering how it can be a tragedy and stated that she was stupid, and the other guy expressed the sincere hope that she would improve soon. Their words irritated me. Really, how do they know what expensive the manicure is and how disgustful it is to have a nail broken! Do men care what it costs a woman to keep her whole body well-groomed, when some of men are so reluctant even to shave the face every morning?
You are right, if the goal to become a manager, to make a great carrier working hard and using only own talents, then it is better to be a man. If woman follows that way, she loses her female properties, softness, flexibility, tenderness and turns into man in the skirt, quite popular life-style nowadays, cosmo- lady, cynical independent bitch. There are even some men, who love such “self-sufficiently” and “maturity”.
Oh, world turned on its head, women are like men and men are like women :(
What about Georgians…There are freaks in any nationality of course, but particularly people from Georgia very sincere, generous and majestic. The matter of honor is very important for them. Plus, they are very intelligent and smart. I judge those, who studied and worked with me. Do you remember our legendary Minino movie? :)
But I can’t say the same about Caucasians, selling fruits and chebureks, usually they have lack of culture and they are in general from Azerbaijan or Armenia.
Once we were walking with one female friend on Pobedy Avenue, along the Polytechnic University, it is Kiev’s downtown. She saw me off on the metro, both were dressed normally, jeans, jackets. Suddenly police car stopped near, 2 guys in uniform without saying a word jumped out and started to push us into the car. They decided we are “working” there and I don’t know what they were going to do with us, but nothing good I guess, so we fought like tigresses and screamed on whole city, it saved us, because gave additional minute for attracting people’s attention and sympathy. So they stopped forcing, there were too many witnesses. We had chance to show student documents and escape. Conclusion, you never know, what danger to expect and from where.
Just tried to imagine a car, full of pretty young girls, blocking a road to a big Caucasian foot-passenger, and suggesting him hard to give a lift otherwise….or catching couple of policemen and pushing them into… he-he-he… Dontcha think we are much more human and decent?
It must be hard to live in denial with your natural female traits and to want turn into insensitive, rough, egoistic man :(
I’m sorry, if I was rude and overemotional here, just cos’ of painful subject, part of my work as a belly dance instructor is to teach, how to be a woman and how to live in harmony with herself. Denial owns origin never makes anyone happy.
Thank you for such interesting discussion and smart beautiful arguments :)
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