Laugh, dance, romance

Monday, December 18, 2006


The thoughts are very material. They look like the colorful patterns on a transparent canvas. Some thoughts even have a smell. A lot of people are able to recognize the simple signs from those around and react on it properly.

It works, like if I hate somebody, the person feels musty smell of my attention and hates me also or tries to avoid or whatever he usually does when somebody hates him. Each time when I think about somebody positive or negative, he feels it immediately, it is a lot like to phone him or to have a direct talk.

If suddenly, without a reason somebody came to my head and raised sweet dreamy mood, thin roses aroma, it means the only one thing – this moment he was thinking about me that way.

He “called” to my mind and I can either ignore or accept it. In case of rejecting person from another side will get a thought like “gm…I just remembered, she used to offend me a lot of times and she did this and that… she seems not that perfect anymore”. All thoughts come to the end and a small grey stagnant cloud disperses insensibly in the air.

If the flow was accepted, two people get into contact, resonance happens, kaleidoscope of red, yellow and green circles dance in a mind and since that moment they can’t any more resist thinking of each other.

Exactly now, I keep on sweet and tempting thinking. Over and over again I return to the fictitious world where there are place only for us and non-stopping romance. And again I hear his voice, his breathe, every his word. I wish I could see him just once… although I realize he is the phantom, my next idee fixe, but sandal, tart musky scent of a man lead me astray.



At 19/12/06 13:25, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe, sometimes it's better never to see him? Because all you have pictured in your imagination may crash at once as you hear he speaks and see him in reality...Maybe, it's better to let him remain the sweet phantom, which will never disappoint your fantasies? There's nothing perfect in this world, but we can create the ideal in our mind and noone can take it away from us...Though the person I wrote about is real, he's unknown. He became another bittersweet reminiscence about feelings unshared in "the story of my life"...

At 20/12/06 09:34, Blogger Lamis said...

thanks for your opinion, it’s so pleasant when somebody breaks the silence…
I wrote this post inspired by your poem, and well, there is a lot of sense in your words, a fiction isn't worthy of turning into reality

At 20/12/06 11:27, Blogger Shree Igor Baba said...


These things happen with me all the time. I've learned how to send mental messages and in most cases I receive a virtual response. I'm not even wondering about this anymore, it just works.

At 20/12/06 13:36, Blogger Lamis said...

So nicely to see one more bright head!
People around mainly have lack of faith and do not notice simple dependencies, considering that everything happens accidentally.
I also discovered that mental exchange succeed with close people. Between mother-children, lovers, siblings ect.


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