Laugh, dance, romance

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A sudden gift

I received an expensive present yesterday, hand-made work, exceptionally beautiful and generous. I put it in the heart area and going to wear it under cloths, so that no envious, highly moral eyes will see it.
In the night, when all were sleeping I took it out and played in the moon light, cherishing and worming my gift with the special tenderness. What a happiness to have a beloved priceless treasure! I feel hot all over just because a realization the fact of having it.
I should not take this gift, because I’m forbidden to give it back, although I hardly want to return it to lavish owner in a double size.
But delightful languor, sweet weakness, how could the heart resist?
It couldn’t and now is fling light-heartedly, carelessly, happily drunk on my dear, so long expected thing….
Soon fate will punish me for a crime, but it will be later, and now I’m going to enjoy...



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