The hedgehog
This summer during a vacation time I got known one hedgehog. He used to come to the villa’s yard, where we have lived with my kuma*. Every day, when the evening has worn on, and the sun has drooped in the west, he has crept in the bushes, making scary noise. When we found out that it was just hedgehog, we decided to lure him out. The cunning strategy was the next: to leave every evening something delicious near the bushes, every time moving food closer to open area, when we would be able to catch and take a picture of him. The one more difficulty was lack of knowledge of hedgehogs’ taste, so it was going to be a fascinating experiment.
In such a way at the first day we left him a plate of excellent wheaten bear Etalon, Pringles with cream and onion and fat Ukrainian wurst with garlic. This set of products in my opinion could addict any creature. But to my disappointment a hedgehog proved to be a capricious guy. In the morning we discovered that he left everything untouched, giving occasion for kuma to make fun of me.
She said that I have plebeian taste and today she will show me, how to feed the hedgehogs correctly. In the book of her 4 year old son kuma found a picture of our hero’s close relative, and on his back were drawn a mushroom and apple. As we had none of those, she decided to replace it by piece of chanterelle pizza and candies with apple aroma.
Well, she showed to be really smarter, because next morning we didn’t find candies, only its covers, hidden in her son’s toy cab. The crafty animal loves sweets and cars the same as little boys do! It was unexpected discovery, which helped us to realize that they probably also have to eat milk and curd.
We were on the right path, the spiny friend have eaten kid’s menu with pleasure, and we got a chance to observe him several times. On the picture above embodied a moment of our most intimate contact.
* * *
*Kuma – name of relationship, defined between a God mother and mother, they used to call each other by this name.
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