As good as before and even better

God answered: "Okay, I can suggest you one variant, but you have to decide if you need it or not. I can create a Man, but he will be selfish and self-satisfied. He will always debate with you and convince you of his mind. He will fight and struggle, but you will have to accept it. All problems and conflicts you will have to resolve by yourself, but present it to the Man in way, He would sure the decisions were His own".
Eva answered: "Yes, I agree".
God: "And one more condition: never tell him, that you were created first, well… it is…. between us, girls……."
Plain truth, women are more peaceful, more loving. They don’t care about politics and wars, if they normal, not feministic, they let off men play these games (if they don’t care about those men). Who tried once feeling a life inside own self, will never even think about fighting or killing. They live not by logic, but by their feelings, by their pure belief, what makes me think, that women have been always closer to God. But, as it is no good without evil, so there are no women without men.
Who would tempt us if not a man? Who would turn our calm silent peace inside out? Who would steal our hearts and finally would say: “O, we were nice friends, aren’t we?” Whom we would help to be a little wiser?
Despite everything, it must be admitted that our women’s life would be gray and useless without you, dear men.
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